PSHE Lead - Debbie Denial (
All schools must teach PSHE education, including Relationships Education in Primary and Relationships & Sex Education (RSHE) in Secondary.
At the Sheffield Inclusion Centre we have developed a bespoke programme which meets the needs of our pupils and follows statutory guidance. Some aspects of RSHE will also be delivered as part of the Science curriculum.
When our pupils leave us we want them to:
Be safe
Make informed choices
Understand their rights and responsibilities
Respect others
Know how to seek help & support
The core elements of our curriculum are underpinned by
Influences (including online)
Brain health
The following strands are interweaved throughout the years, this ensures that pupils make connections between the strands – eg impact of drugs & alcohol on brain health / relationships
Intimate & Sexual Relationships
Online & Media
Physical Health
Brain Health
Wider Safety
Economic Wellbeing
Each Lesson will contain
Knowledge needed to make informed choices
Rights, responsibilities and the law
Viewpoints of others
Opportunities for discussion
We always work with families and we will consult with you on what is being delivered. If you have any questions about the content and resources used then please get in touch. You do have the right to withdraw your child from any of the non statutory sex education which does not form part of the Science curriculum, however we would encourage you to work with us and discuss any concerns you may have.